Prenatal Yoga

As a mama, I have first hand experienced the power of prenatal yoga. It helped me connect to my body and to my baby. I aim to empower women to love and trust themselves as they move through the experience of pregnancy and as they become mothers. I studied with Marisa Torrigino (Yoga Garden San Francisco) and got certified as a prenatal yoga teacher (RPYT) in 2017. My classes are designed to reducing the aches and pains which accompany pregnancy, in a nurturing and supportive environment. We focus on special breathing techniques, cultivating length and strength, and preparing the body and mind for birth and motherhood. Currently, I’m subbing a prenatal yoga class at Happy Belly Yoga. And I’m available for privates.
Yoga Do's & Don't's during pregnancy

Pelvic Floor Training

I wasn’t aware of the three muscle layers which form the pelvic floor until I studied with Leslie Howard (San Francisco) who is a pioneer in pelvic floor work. Now, as a woman, I think it is incredibly important to have a look and understand what is “down there”. As a new mom, I had the opportunity to dive deep into pelvic floor work offered by midwives and physical therapists in Germany. I integrate pelvic floor training in my postnatal classes where I also give recommendations for healthy daily routines. My next postnatal course starts in June at VaMuKi. And I’m available for privates.
Alltagstipps für Mamas (German)

Mama & Baby Yoga

Since I have a baby, I know how hard it can be to find time for yourself. Especially in the beginning. In my mama & baby yoga classes it is time to reconnect to yourself and give yourself a little break. I offer a balance of strong and relaxing poses and always integrate practices to connect with your baby. It helps you to gently get back in shape after giving birth and to relax with your baby.
Anti-stress pose

Yoga For Your Cycle

Yoga is a "gem for women" (title of Geeta S. Iygengar's book). And it's true. There are definitely poses that are beneficial for the different stages of a woman's life. The first stage in a woman's life where changes are happening is when she starts to menstruate. There are many poses that help to make those days more enjoyable.
Yoga For Your Cycle Sequence